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Yoga by the Ocean

"Educating women on how to shine their light through challenges for a brighter future."

- Shannon Earls

Who We Are...

 Dare 2 Shyne is a platform for women, educating them on how to shine their light through challenges for a brighter future. Dare 2 Shyne creates/provides tools for women to assist them in challenging times of their life.


Our mission is to help women take their mental health back by identifying roadblocks in their lives that limit their ability to reach their whole state of well-being.


Coaching techniques we offer:

  • Mindfulness exercises

  • Stress Management

  • Self-care Management 

Sitting Meditation

"Making a choice to invite peace in your life is the greatest gift you could ever give yourself."

- Shannon Earls

Support Group

“ There is no need to suffer silently and there is no shame in seeking help.”

- Catherine Zeta-Jones

Beach Meditation

“ Your biggest commitment must always be to yourself.”

- Bridgett Devoue

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